Samuel Hahnemann (born 10th April 1755) was a German Physician and proficient in many languages, who, becoming dissatisfied with the medical methods of his time (such as bloodletting etc), gave up his medical practice and became a translator.
Upon translating William Cullen’s “A treatise on the Materia Medica”, he came across a medicine called chincona (from the bark of the Peruvian tree) where it was stated that chincona was effective in treating malaria.
Not believing this to be true, Hahnemann decided to test the chincona on himself, and noted that he started to display the symptoms of malaria. This led him to postulate the principle:
“"that which can produce a set of symptoms in a healthy individual, can treat a sick
individual who is manifesting a similar set of symptoms”.
And thus the principle of “like cures like” was born and he gave this system of medicine the name “Homeopathy” (which means similar suffering).
This led to the principle of “simila similubus curentur” or “like cures like”.
Homeopathy is a safe and gentle system of medicine that can bring about rapid relief and healing with no side effects and can be used safely and effectively in all patients, including the elderly, vulnerable and nursing and pregnant mothers and children where many conventional medicines are not recommended or are used with caution.
Today, Homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world and is used and endorsed by royalty and nobility throughout the world. It is the largest system of medicine in India (surpassing the 7,000 year old Ayurvedic system) and is also practised by over 40% of physicians in Germany.
To date, there are more than 6000 homeopathic medicines available in this highly
individualised system of medicine that is tailored to a person’s specific set of symptoms.
Modern homeopathy, or Practical Homeopathy, as taught at The College of Practical Homeopathy, has further developed these principles by tailoring the homeopathic approach to help treat today’s patients with their complex inherited family histories, environmental toxicity and the illnesses of modern 21st century life.