About Us
Our mission is to make The CPH system of learning Homeopathy available for non-homeopaths and healthcare practitioners alike, no matter where in the world they live, or in which country they choose to practice. The College of Practical Homeopathy system is a fully integrated and holistic homeopathy course that combines the natural treatments of herbs, diet & nutrition, supplements, flower essences, bowel nosodes, meditative provings and tissue salts to complement the industry leading homeopathic training methods.
Our Mission
To become the global leader in practical homeopathic education.
To make learning practical homeopathy efficient and affordable.

Our Vision
To have CPH qualified homeopaths able to help treat patients in every country.

Our Values
To share our learnings as we learn to keep homeopathy progressing towards the future.
We're Widely Recognised

We Have Achieved a Number of World Firsts
The CPH are the first college in the world to provide professional homeopathic qualifications online.
The CPH are proud to be the first college to be validated under the HCPF QAVS Scheme.
We are the first UK college to be recognised and accredited for practitioners in Europe, Middle East, Africa, North America and Asia-Pacific.
We are the first to offer year-round homeopathic study courses with no term times, enabling to you start when it suits you.
We're the first and only homeopathic school to be accredited by the prestigious British Accreditation Council.
We're the first to teach Holistic Homeopathy with 13 Homeopathic subjects in a single professional qualification.